About Me

Hi, I’m Shlomit Kirsch, and I’m a licensed psychologist practicing in Austin, Texas. I love working with teens, parents and young adults in navigating difficulties with relationships, emotions, self-esteem and identity. I offer services in both English and Hebrew.

Giving ourselves permission to be vulnerable with others can be incredibly difficult. It’s daunting to expose our authentic selves and face the uncertainty of how we’ll be received. However, this is one of the key elements for creating deep and meaningful relationships, both with others and with ourselves.

I create a warm, safe and supportive environment in order to help my clients be vulnerable and allow their authentic selves to emerge. I guide them through the process of understanding where and why they’re stuck, helping them deepen their understanding of themselves. I also provide the tools and strategies necessary to more effectively cope with their difficulties. I enjoy seeing my clients become more resilient, proud of themselves and able to experience healthier relationships with people they trust and feel supported by.

In my personal life, I enjoy spending time with my husband and children as well as with extended family. I love traveling and learning about new cultures, and I’m an avid book reader (though both of these hobbies have significantly decreased since becoming a mother!). I feel deeply fulfilled and energized by my job, and I often remind myself what a privilege it is for people to trust me with their wellbeing. I don’t take it lightly, and as such I have a strong commitment to attending professional trainings and workshops in order to continue growing and evolving as a clinician.


I’ve been working with children, teens, parents and adults since my training began in 2009. I’ve worked in individual, group and family therapy modalities, as well as in psychological assessment. My training has also afforded me the opportunity to work in a diverse range of settings, including schools, outpatient clinics, hospitals and residential treatment facilities.

I completed my APA-approved pre-doctoral internship at the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio and my post-doctoral fellowship at Austin Child Guidance Center.

I have experience with a wide range of diagnoses and difficulties, including:

  • General anxiety
  • Social anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Depression
  • ADHD
  • School-related difficulties
  • Self-esteem issues
  • Parenting difficulties
  • Family communication difficulties
  • Relationship difficulties

Education & Credentials

2007 – B.A., University of Texas at Austin, Psychology
2011 – M.A., The Wright Institute in Berkeley, Clinical Psychology
2014 – Psy.D., The Wright Institute in Berkeley, Clinical Psychology
2016 – License of Psychology, Texas